FIRE-RES - Innovative technologies and socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe - ( is an ongoing Horizon 2020 project (2021-2025). FIRE-RES aims to promote the implementation of an integrated fire management approach and support the transition to more resilient landscapes and communities to extreme wildfire events (EWE) in Europe. The mission of FIRE-RES is to promote the European Union's socio-ecological transition to a resilient continent through the development of a series of innovation actions (IA).
One of the aims of IA 1.4. Integrated fire management model: bases, demonstration and piloting activities is to compile a database of well-documented prescribed burns experiences supported by different research areas. This database will assist researchers and fire managers seeking information on the effects of prescribed fires on fuels, trees, shrubs, herbs, mosses, lichens or fungi, soils, air quality, edaphic fauna, invertebrates and vertebrates. The aim of the questionnaire is to collect detailed information on well-documented prescribed burns in different regions to create an open database that will be published on the Fire-Res website. The database could be useful for, among others, fire researchers who want to contact study sites responsibles to conduct a meta-analysis of different aspects of prescribed burning.
The criteria for inclusion of prescribed burning studies in the database is that previous research or ongoing research should have been conducted at the site.
How to fill this questionnaire: The questionnaire is designed to capture information at the site level, even if multiple prescribed burns or reburns were conducted at that site. For example, your experimental design could include a single prescribed burn at a site with multiple experimental plots, or multiple prescribed burns at a site with multiple experimental plots. In either case, the information requested in this questionnaire relates to the site. Therefore, when answering the questionnaire, select as many items as necessary to capture all characteristics of the burns at your site (in case you have more than one burn).